Subscriptions and consumer protection

Subscriptions and consumer protection

Wed Dec 4, 2019

Unpleasant subscriptions are always a nuisance for consumers. A subscription is taken out too quickly without the person concerned being aware of it. The consumer is at a disadvantage here.

After the end of the period of notice, providers contact the consumer with a request for payment. The consumer could be protected already with small law changes effectively.

The following letter goes to Mr. Lanz, the Verbraucherschutzministerin as well as consumer representatives.

Dear Mr. Lanz,

their shows push a lot of valuable things. First of all, thank you very much! That gives hope to socially active people like me, because there are so many things in the world that are in limbo … and it mostly hits the weakest. On the other hand there is a lot going on.

I have written to the Consumer Ministry and various other bodies as follows - my discussion proposal is clear from this.

I would like to join with you in pushing for companies to have to pick up an annual “subscription”/contract renewal from users, stating the correct legally binding online contact address. Otherwise, the subscription will be cancelled automatically.

Yours sincerely from Detmold

Dr. Ditmar Teschke

Dear Minister,

I have contacted the various offices in the Consumer Centre and am initiating a discussion along the line outlined below with various social representatives. Hopefully one of the well-known TV presenters will take up the discussion. The proposed move is very simple and would significantly improve the lives of consumers.


Dr. Ditmar Teschke

Dear consumer representative,

as companies increasingly hide termination information or are intentionally unavailable, the termination process must change altogether.

I would like to join forces with you in pushing for companies to obtain an annual “subscription”/contract extension from users, stating the correct legally binding online contact address. Otherwise, the subscription will be cancelled automatically.

Older people in particular are increasingly falling into a subscription trap and are unable to find the way to termination and have come into focus. It is just as difficult for relatives if companies take a stupid view.

It would be best to pack this into one of the talk shows and discuss it with other experts.

Thank you very much for your valuable commitment and kind regards.

Dr. Ditmar Teschke